Publikationen des Instituts für Elektroprozesstechnik

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Nacke B, Kasjanow H, Krause A, Muizňieks A, Kiessling FM, Rehse U et al. Three-dimensional transient modeling of the melt flow in a TMF VCz system for GaAs crystal growth. Magnetohydrodynamics. 2009 Jul;45(3):317-324.
Odenthal HJ, Rexroth CH, Sommerfeld M, Ludwig A, Baake E, Thess A. Verbesserte metallurgische Prozesse durch moderne Simulationstechnik. Stahl und Eisen. 2009 Feb 15;129(2):37-46.
Ulferts A, Nacke B. Improvement in the induction hardening of gears through optimized field guide elements. Elektrowaerme International. 2009 Sep;(3):199-202.
Zedler T, Sievers B, Nacke B, Predki W. Induktionshärten von Schneckenwellen II. in Vorträge anlässlich der FVA-Informationstagung 01./02. Dezember 2009. Frankfurt: FVA Forschungsvereinigung Antrigastechnik e.V. 2009


Aguilar Cascante FJ, Grüneberg C, Nacke B, Langejürgen M, Sommer B, Niehues J et al. Elektromagnetisch induzierte Seigerung zur Erzeugung eines Gradientengefüges in Aluminium-Gussbauteilen. Elektrowärme international : EWI ; Zeitschrift für elektrothermische Prozesse. 2008;2008(2):101-106.
Aquilar J, Grüneberg C, Sommer B, Niehues J, Haimerl M, Nacke B et al. Electromagnetically induced segregation for generation of a gradient microstructure in aluminum castings. Heat processing : international magazine for industrial furnaces, heat treatment plants, equipment. 2008;2008(3).
Baake E, Jakovics A. 5th International Scientific Colloquium “Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing” in Hannover – Ein Rückblick. Elektrowärme international : EWI ; Zeitschrift für elektrothermische Prozesse. 2008;66(4):269-274.
Baake E, Langejürgen M, Kirpo M, Jakovics A. Analysis of transient heat and mass exchange in induction channel furnaces using LES. in Proceedings of the 7th International Pamir Conference Fundamental and Applied MHD and COST P17 Annual Workshop 2008: Presqu'Île de Giens, France, September 8 - 12, 2008. Reims. 2008. S. 63-67
Baake E. Den Produktionsablauf im Blick: Einsparpotentiale beim Schmelzen von Metallen. Giesserei Erfahrungsaustausch : das Fachmagazin für Praktiker. 2008;2008(6):13-17.
Baake E, Beneke F. Energieeffizienz in der Elektrothermischen Prozesstechnik. Elektrowaerme International. 2008 Dez;(4):243-247.
Baake E, Kirpo M, Jakovics A, Nacke B. LES study of particle transport in turbulent recirculated liquid metal flows. in Proceedings of the 7th International Pamir Conference Fundamental and Applied MHD and COST P17 Annual Workshop 2008: Presqu'Île de Giens, France, September 8 - 12, 2008. Band 1. Reims. 2008. S. 103-107
Baake E. Principles of Heating Processes: Edition 10: Plasma heating. Heat processing : international magazine for industrial furnaces, heat treatment plants, equipment. 2008;6(4):318-320.
Baake E. Principles of Heating Processes: Edition 8: Indirect resistance heating. Heat processing : international magazine for industrial furnaces, heat treatment plants, equipment. 2008;6(2):143-145.
Baake E, (ed.), Nacke B, (ed.). Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing : Hannover, October 27 - 29, 2008. Hannover: Institut für Elektroprozesstechnik, 2008. 360 S.
Frishfelds V, Jakovics A, Nacke B, Baake E. Estimation of temperature difference and integral flow through channel of ICF. in Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing : Hannover, October 27 - 29, 2008. Hannover: Institut für Elektroprozesstechnik. 2008. S. 291-296
Galunin S, Zlobina M, Blinov K, Nikanorov A, Zedler T, Nacke B. Numerical analysis of coupled physics for induction hardening of moveable workpieces. in Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing : Hannover, October 27 - 29, 2008. Hannover: Institut für Elektroprozesstechnik. 2008. S. 59-64
Galunin S, Blinov K, Nikanorov A, Zedler T, Nacke B, Zlobina M. Numerical analysis of coupled physics for induction heating of movable workpieces. in Proceedings of the International Scientific Colloquium Modelling for Electromagnetic Processing : Hannover, October 27 - 29, 2008. Hannover: Institut für Elektroprozesstechnik. 2008. S. 59-64
Jarczyk G, Baake E, Umbrashko A, Fellmann HG, Tiefers R. Development of melting and casting processes of TiAl in the cold induction crucible vacuum furnace. in 12th World Conference on Investment Casting & Equipment Expo: Dallas, Texas. Montvale: Investment Casting Institute. 2008
Kasjanow H, Nacke B, Eichler S, Jockel D, Frank-Rotsch C, Lange P et al. Investigation of asymmetry effects in a heater-magnet module for TMF VGF and LEC growth by three-dimensional numerical modeling. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2008 Apr;310(7-9):1540-1545. Epub 2007 Nov 6. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2007.10.077
Kasjanow H, Nacke B, Eichler S, Frank-Rotsch C, Lange P, Kießling M et al. Investigation of asymmetry effects in a heater magnet-module for TMF, VGF and VCz growth by three-dimensional numerical modelling. in The 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth and the 13th Biennial Workshop on Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 12-17 August, 2007. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publ Co. 2008