Showing results 301 - 320 out of 780
Baake E. Grundlagen und Anwendungen elektrothermischer Verfahren: Folge 12: Funkenerosion. Elektrowärme international (EWI). 2011 Dec;69(4):387-389.
Baake E. Grundlagen und Anwendungen elektrothermischer Verfahren: Folge 11: Mikrowellenerwärmung. Elektrowärme international (EWI). 2011 Sept;69(3):301-303.
Baake E. Grundlagen und Anwendungen elektrothermischer Verfahren: Folge 10: Lichtbogenerwärmung . Elektrowärme international (EWI). 2011 Jun;67(2):175-177.
Baake E. Grundlagen und Anwendungen elektrothermischer Verfahren: Folge 9: Indirekte Widerstandserwärmung. Elektrowärme international (EWI). 2011 Mar;69(1):61-63.
Baake E, Nacke B. Im Profil: Institut für Elektroprozesstechnik der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Elektrowärme international (EWI). 2011;69(2):178-184.
Baake E, Jakovics A, Pavlovs S, Kirpo M. Influence of the channel design on the heat and mass exchange of induction channel furnace. COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2011 Sept 13;30(5):1637-1650. doi: 10.15488/2735, 10.1108/03321641111152793
Baake E. Neue Marktchancen durch innovativen Stromeinsatz im Prozesswärmebereich. In Prozesswärme: Energieeffizienz in der industriellen Thermoprozesstechnik; eine Sonderpublikation der Zeitschriften Gaswärme International und Elektrowärme international. Essen: Vulkan Verlag. 2011. p. 319-329
Baake E. Physical basics and industrial applications of heating processes: Edition 17: Electrical discharge machining. Heat processing : international magazine for industrial furnaces, heat treatment plants, equipment. 2011;9(4):379-380.
Baake E. Physical basics and industrial applications of heating processes: 16: High frequency heating. Heat processing : international magazine for industrial furnaces, heat treatment plants, equipment. 2011;9(3):285-287.
Baake E, Schülbe H, Nacke B. Recent applications and development trends of induction heating processes. In Microwave and RF Power Applications: Proceeding of the 13th International Conference on Microwave and Radio Frequency Heating, AMPERE 2011. Editions Cépaduès. 2011. p. 483-487. (Microwave and RF Power Applications: Proceeding of the 13th International Conference on Microwave and Radio Frequency Heating, AMPERE 2011).
Blinov K, Nacke B, Klöpzig M, Nikanorov A. Numerical simulation and investigation of induction through-heaters in dynamic operation mode. COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2011 Sept 13;30(5):1539-1549. doi: 10.15488/2744, 10.1108/03321641111152694
Dughiero F, Baake E, Forzan M. Selected papers from HES 2010. COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2011 Sept 13;30(5):141-145. doi: 10.1108/compel.2011.17430eaa.001
Jakovics A, Baake E, Nacke B, Spitans S. Numerical modeling of free surface dynamics of melt in induction crucible furnace. In Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD: Borgo, Corsica, France, September 5 - 9, 2011. Vol. 2. Grenoble: INP. 2011. p. 677-681
Mach M, Baake E, Köhler D, Walther T. Extending the process limits of warm forging by intermediate induction heating. Heat processing : international magazine for industrial furnaces, heat treatment plants, equipment. 2011;9(2).
Mach M, Baake E, Köhler D, Walther T. Induktive Zwischenerwärmung zur Erweiterung der Prozessgrenzen von Umformverfahren im Halbwarm-Temperaturbereich. Elektrowärme international (EWI). 2011;69(1):51-55.
Mach M, Baake E. New approach for intermediate induction heating of preformed forging parts within a warm forming process chain. In Future trends in steel development, processing technologies and applications: bringing the automotive, supplier and steel industries together ; SCT2011 ; the 3rd International Conference on Steels in Cars and Trucks, 2011, took place from June 5 to 9 in Salzburg, Austria. Düsseldorf: Verlag Stahleisen. 2011. p. 238-245
Nacke B, Ubbenjans B, Frank-Rotsch C, Rudolph P, Virbulis J. Numerical modeling of ultrasonic vibration in crystallization processes. In Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD: Borgo, Corsica, France, September 5 - 9, 2011. Grenoble: INP. 2011. p. 831
Nacke B, Baake E. Numerical Simulation Tools and Methods used at the Institute of Electrotechnology. 2011. Paper presented at Multiphysical Modelling in OpenFOAM, Riga.
Neumeyer J, Schülbe H, Nacke B. Induktiv unterstütztes Hybridschweißen: Neues Projekt: Leistungsstarkes Fügen mit induktiver Unterstützung. 2011. 5 p.
Pavlovs S, Jakovičs A, Baake E, Nacke B, Kirpo M. LES modelling of turbulent flow, heat exchange and particle transport in industrial induction channel furnaces. Magnetohydrodynamics. 2011;47(4):399-412. doi: 10.22364/mhd.47.4.7